Hi jean-sebastien
thank you for your answer

My mistake, I use visual 2005 sorry.
It seems that no SP2 exists, you are right again. I saw "version 2.0.50727 SP2" 
in the visual2005 about box. But I guess it is the .Net Framework version ...
sorry again !

Anyway, that does not explain my problem. If I take the binaries for VC8 SP1 in 
debug mode (openscenegraph-all-2.8.2-win32-x86-vc80sp1-Debug.zip), I still have 
the (0xc0150002) error message.

All my dll (osg and 3rd party (zlib) dependancies) are copied into the same 
directory as my exe, into the debug directory.

As you said, I tried Dependancy walker on my app , here is the log result :

> Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for 
> "...\sources\visualapp\debug\OSG55-OSGD.DLL" contains errors. Cette 
> application n'a pas pu dmarrer car la configuration de l'application est 
> incorrecte. Rinstaller l'application pourrait rsoudre ce problme (14001).
> Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for 
> "...\sources\visualapp\debug\OT11-OPENTHREADSD.DLL" contains errors. Cette 
> application n'a pas pu dmarrer car la configuration de l'application est 
> incorrecte. Rinstaller l'application pourrait rsoudre ce problme (14001).
> Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for 
> "...\sources\visualapp\debug\OSG55-OSGDBD.DLL" contains errors. Cette 
> application n'a pas pu dmarrer car la configuration de l'application est 
> incorrecte. Rinstaller l'application pourrait rsoudre ce problme (14001).
> Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export 
> function in a delay-load dependent module."

I really do not understand ... Are these dll do not correspond with my version 
of visual ?

But if I compile all osg (like I said before) that works with the new 


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