Hi all,

It's me again, with another practical problem : how to delete properly my osg 
objects when they contain lots of stuff?
Basically I have a PAT with lots of groups and nodes inside it. At some point I 
need to delete it, then reinstanciate it right away. But I found out that doing 
this produces one big memory leak...

My object is in an osg::ref_ptr, so I tried to .release() it first, it didn't 
quite change anything... I also tried to mess with the destructor, deleting 
manually some of the groups and nodes, with no more success...
I have to mention that I use several NodeCallbacks inside my PAT, which may be 
active when I delete it. I don't know how to deal with them, or if I have to...

So my question is : what is the proper method to delete an osg scene or part of 
scene (in order to avoid memory leaks)? Do I have to access and delete every 
leaf of my graph?

Thanks for any advice! :) 


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