Hi Eric, does the file appear correctly in the FBX Quicktime Viewer? If yes
then please send me the FBX file and I'll take a look. Cheers

On 3 June 2010 11:21, Eric Pouliquen <eric.pouliq...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've animated this test in Maya :
> One group, animated in translation and rotation
> In this group, two boxes, one without any animation, the other with
> rotation animated.
> Scene is exported in FBX using 2010.2 version
> When viewing this file in osgAnimationViewer, I can see an animation, but
> it seems osg do not apply the hierarchy of the group (multiplying transo
> matrices), and the boxes are badly animated...
> Seems that if there is any hierarchy in the scene, with animation on
> multiple levels, it do not work properly...
> I've tried unsing collada but in this case I have absolutly no animation !
> Can someone help me because at this moment I have absolutly no way do
> export really simple animation from Maya to OSG.
> Thank you!
> Eric
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