Hi JS,

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
<jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com> wrote:
> Just to make sure I understand, you don't mean sorting the indices
> themselves, right? That would always give 0...n of course... So I'd have to
> calculate the distance between the eye and the vertex at index i, and then
> place the indices so that those distances go from largest to smallest. Which
> is still not too hard, but a bit slower than sorting unsigned ints of
> course... :-)

Your sort functor would take a reference to the Vec3Array+lookvector
or an array of the distances to sort against and then make decision of
< based on the dereferencing the indices.   Preparing an array of
distances based would mean you only do the compute of the distance
once per vertex, rather twice per < check of which there will nlogn.

> OK, and then I'd have a custom osg::Geometry that would use the right
> DrawElements for the current context/view in its drawImplementation?

Yes a custom Drawable/Geometry would be required.

> If I make it really nice
> and well encapsulated I could even submit it as an osg::Geometry specialized
> for point sprites / particles. Speaking of which, what does osgParticle do
> for its rendering of particles? I've never looked at it, perhaps what I'm
> doing now is already (partially/completely) done there?

The basic osgParticle::ParticleSystem is really crude when it comes to
do particle rendering - it manually computes the billboarded quads
positions per frame and doesn't do any depth sorting at all.  This
part of osgParticle could really do with a major revamp.   It really
should use point sprites as they are pretty standard these days,
although... we'd need to check OpenGL ES.

A special ParticleGeometry drawable might make a nice base for a
refactor of osgParticle.  If it could be done right you could have
multiple implementations depending upon the hardware capabilities.

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