Hello Sanat,

For the osgAnimationViewer example, what is the data that we need to use?
I am runnng the example from VisualStudio, so it comes to the line in bold 
below and exits with 1.

Like osgviewer, you need to give it a file to load. It will load any 3D model file that OSG can load, but of course it will only be able to play animation if the file contains animation data and the loader is able to load that.

If you just want an example, the OpenSceneGraph-Data distribution contains a file called "nathan.osg" which contains a few animations. If you don't already have OpenSceneGraph-Data, you can download it from here:


(it also contains other good example data you can learn from)

You can start animations by pressing the "eject" button (the rightmost one) to show the list, then clicking on one of the animation names in the list. Press "stop" (the button with the square) to stop the animation before starting a new one, else the two will play and blend together which is sometimes not what you want.

If you ever make your own models with animation and export to .osg (with OSGExport from Blender) or Collada or FBX, you can load those in osganimationviewer too to see them. This page has a sample skinned model in FBX format you can use to test with.


You will need to compile the OSG FBX plugin to be able to load it, and for that you need to download the FBX SDK from Autodesk's site. For Collada, see the OSG Wiki for instructions on how to build the plugin to load that format.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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