Concerning the DICOM issue, I performed additional tests:

 - The error seems to be related to compressed DICOM datasets.
 - On the website, most dataset will generate
errors ("Invalid data value") when trying to read the dcm files as is). the
PHENIX dataset works (it doesn't seem to be compressed as the dcm files are
much bigger). The website indicates that the dataset are JPEG2000 compressed
(as far as I understand).
 - I tried to read those files on Linux too: same errors !
 - I set the dicom dictionary path properly (DCMDICTPATH=...) so that's not
the problem.
 - trying to use dcmdjpeg to try to decompress the images doesn't work
 - dcm2pnm doesnt work either
 - dcmj2pnm doesn't work too.

Any idea what I could be missing here ???


2010/7/10 Robert Osfield <>

> Hi Manu,
> It sounds like you aren't using osgVolume correctly.  First up I would
> recommend using 2.9.2 or svn/trunk as this will contain the latests
> update to osgVolume.
> Second up you talk about DCMTK build problems, you'll need to be more
> precise that this for others to help.  In general I would say the
> DCMTK under Windows can be a bit tricky, have a look through the
> archives to see how others tackled it.  I'm under Linux so don't see
> problems.
> Using dicom files is currently the easiest route to loading a full 3D
> volume, but building the 3D osg::Image yourself it's difficult.  With
> the osgvolume example you'll just have to run with --images filenames
> to get it to read a series of 2D images and pack them into an 3D
> osg::Image for rendering.
> Robert.
> On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Emmanuel Roche
> <> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I'm just starting to play with the osgVolume sample and I have a very
> > beginner question about it:
> >
> > -> Can you actually have any kind of volumetric rendering with this ???
> >
> > I perform many tests with various arguments,  but each time, all I get is
> a
> > simple 2D image sequence of all the provided 2D images: so it's basically
> > playinig just like a movie... Why would we have complex Raytracing
> shader
> > techniques just to render an image sequence ? I must be missing something
> > here.
> >
> >
> > Also, note that I actually managed to get a 3D rendering specifying
> zSize,
> > ySize and xSize, but again the 3D result  is merly the projection of a
> > single 2D image (an the image is dynamically changing...) I know the
> > osgVolume still needs more development, but is that really all I can
> expect
> > from it for the moment ??
> >
> > Also, I could not use DICOM images directly: I got errors from the dcmtk
> > library, so I first used image magick to convert my dcm images to png
> > images, could it be I lost "usefull 3D volumetric rendering info" with
> that
> > step ?
> >
> > And last but not least, those tests were performed on Windows, with OSG
> > 2.9.6. Any known limitation due to this ?
> >
> >
> > In fact, if anyone as any screenshot I would be interested ! :-)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Manu.
> >
> >
> >
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