
I'm thinking about using OSG functions in my engine, but some things about OSG 
aren't obvious for me, so, i want to ask advanced users for exact info:

1) Is it hard to change components of OSG, to meet my requirments and use my 
own version within scene graph integrated? For example, i'm not very satisfied 
with render code and shadows\other FX, can i do a pure opengl replacement in my 
engine and replace component without any problems? Or should i edit OSG code or 

2) Is LWO loader plugin fully compatible with latest LWO\LWS files(i have 9.6)? 
I mean loading geometry, uv(can keep relative path to texture?), bones, 
animation. If it isn't, what version should i use and what's limitations?

3) That's all, folks!(at least, for now)  I'm afraid you'll just send me to 
RTFM. And sorry for bad English.
Thank you!


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