Hello Igor,

1) Is it hard to change components of OSG, to meet my requirments and use my 
own version within scene graph integrated? For example, i'm not very satisfied 
with render code and shadows\other FX, can i do a pure opengl replacement in my 
engine and replace component without any problems? Or should i edit OSG code or 

OSG's design is well encapsulated, so it's generally easy to replace parts of OSG's functionality with subclasses you would make yourself. For example if you wanted to do your own shadow rendering code you could subclass one of the osgShadow classes (ShadowVolume, StandardShadowMap or ShadowTechnique). You could also create your own classes that do this subclassing just a simple Node or Group and overriding the traverse() method. See for example osgOcean which does this (osgocean.googlecode.com).

If you want to do straight OpenGL you can do that by subclassing osg::Drawable and writing your code in the overridden drawImplementation() method, or in a drawable DrawCallback. You just have to make sure you leave the OpenGL state the same way it was at the beginning of the method, otherwise you'll have trouble with OSG's own drawing and state tracking.

2) Is LWO loader plugin fully compatible with latest LWO\LWS files(i have 9.6)? 
I mean loading geometry, uv(can keep relative path to texture?), bones, 
animation. If it isn't, what version should i use and what's limitations?

I have no idea. If you want bones and animations, I've found the best formats are Collada and FBX.

3) That's all, folks!(at least, for now)  I'm afraid you'll just send me to 
RTFM. And sorry for bad English.

Oh, if you insist I tell you to RTFM, then I will :-) If you're new to developing with OSG, make sure you at least read the Quick Start Guide (www.osgbooks.com - it's free in PDF format). And don't be shy to go into the OSG code when you want to know how something works (keep your own build of OSG handy, put breakpoints and trace to see where it goes).

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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