
> VPB isn't really intended for editing terrain, but it generates heightfields 
> that can be dynamically altered at runtime just fine. You just have to be 
> aware that there are multiple LODs of each terrain tile.

Could you explain it with more detail? How i can alter heightfield in runtime? 
You mean altering generated geometry or bitmap and then generated geometry? Is 
this the way i could do some terrain editing feature?
Now i'm trying to modify terrain geometry, but i still got the problem with 
accessing data for it. I'm trying to use class derivied from NodeVisitor and i 
call e.g. void CTerrainVisitor::apply( osg::Geode& geode ), where geode has my 
terrain geometry. But what is the reference between terrain tile and given 
geode object? Maybe there is some other, better method to use osgTerrain and 
have possibility to edit it? Or osgTerrain is not best approach to have 
editable terrain and i have to write my own wrapper for that?

Thank you!


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