Hi Thomas,

I don't believe there is any PBuffer support available for OpenGLES so
this is no go.  There looks to be the frame buffer objects API
available in OpenGLES 2.0, but it would be worth checking to see if
the OSG's extension setup for these functions is working for GLES2.

A general note, FBO's are at worst as just as fast as pbuffers, but
typically will be faster as there is no need for managing multiple


On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Thomas Hogarth
<thomas.hoga...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> Have a quick question about render to texture. I'm trying to use it in an AR
> app on IPhone so I can do some post processing on my final scene etc. At the
> moment only FRAME_BUFFER mode works and is quite slow. I know OpenGLES
> supports FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECTS I know these to be a little faster so I'll
> probably try getting these working.
> My question is, are FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECTs the fastest or should I look into
> PIXEL_BUFFER_OBJECTs? (If there even supported)
> Or I guess has anyone already done the work for FBOs on IPhone?
> Tom
> PS
> I know I could look through the code but does FRAME_BUFFER mode use
> glCopyPixels, just curious?
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