Hi Stephan

So a little testing has reveled that when using a framebuffer object a call
to glFrameBufferRenderBuffer is made in FrameBufferAttachment::attach in
FrameBufferObject.cpp (starts line 541). But this is also done in
createFrameBuffer in GraphicsWindowIPhone.mm with the created
_viewFrameBuffer. So I have a feeling we are ending up with two
RenderFrameBuffers the one that GraphicsWindowIPhone is trying to display
isn't actually drawn to. I'm gonna dig for calls to glGenFrameBuffers to see
if a separate renderbufferframebuffer is being created.

Does anybody reading this have a better understanding of what is happening
with the renderbufferframebuffer when using a framebufferobject?


On 3 November 2010 16:45, Thomas Hogarth <thomas.hoga...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi Stephan, Robert
>> With the svn/trunk version of the OSG GLU has been directly integrated
>> and should be fully supported under OpenGLES code paths.  The IPhone
>> git branch may well not have these changes yet.
> Sounds great will defo check that out
>> Updating ShaderGen to work with GLES2 would be very useful.
> i'll get onto this today. I've already made a version in my own code that
> also adds texture matrices etc. So i'll put back into the shader gen and see
> what I can do about the fixed function features being used.
>> @Tom: does FBOs work on your end now? If yes, please send me your
>> sources, so I can integrate them with the git branch.
> I tried this again last night with no luck. I did get a little further by
> making sure the rtt texture had it's internal format set and making sure the
> mipmap moe was linear. With these i got as far as a texture object is
> created and the rtt framebuffer object does seem to be created but now the
> whole scene stops rendering properly. i just get the last frame that worked
> (from when using frame_buffer).
> I'm leaning toward the fact that a render buffer is also created by the
> framebuffer object class. I need to find out if this always happens or
> whether it only happens when using another framebuffer object.
> I'll let you know how I get on, but looks like it may take a while as I'll
> have to dig into how RenderStage::runCameraSetUp is working. In the rtt
> and non rtt situations
> Cheers
> Tom
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