Hi Robert,

Thanks for your quick reply, good to know it can be done with osgVolume. I will 
explain the problem I am facing in detail now:

1. I have tried to load some dicom images (provided by a doctor here) with the 
following command:

osgvolume --images *.dcm

The images load without any issues, but the output I get is something like 
output_withouttf.jpg attachment. (The opener of this thread got something 
similar as I can see).

2. Then I tried to play around with the transfer function to generate something 
better. I downloaded some sample transfer functions from the following tutorial 
(they have a zip file with several sample transfer functions for bones, brain 

*link posted in next post*

Since their example had some parameter like --tf-255 and osgvolume actually 
does not have any parameter like this, I converted all the values to be in 
between 0 and 1. From this forum I figured out that is how it should be, please 
correct me if I am wrong. The color-255.tf and my converted color.tf both are 
attached to this post. Then I executed a command as follows:

osgvolume --images *.dcm --tf color.tf

And I get an output like the attached output_withtf.jpg.

I have tried some other color transfer functions too, but all the outputs are 
like this. I am guessing it has something to do with the way I am trying to 
normalize the transfer function? Please let me know if I am doing anything 


Thank you!


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