Hi John,

basically your setup should work, I do the same on my cpomputers.

I have a big Xeon computer and a usual laptop (NV 310M). I compile OSG in 32 
and 64 bit on the xeon machine and transfer the compiled result to my laptop.

I do not know your setup in detail, but I can give you my checklist/ how I do 
* Ich have the same folder structure on both machines (D:\OpenSceneGraph)
* I have the 3rdParty Package on both computer 
* I have OSG in the same folder (D:\OpenSceneGraph\OpenSceneGraph-2.9.12_x86|64)
* I have set the Environment variables properly (added the 3rdparty bin folder 
and the OSG bin folder to the path)

On my Win7 64bit this is enough.

Have you checked the windows system log to get more information why osgViewer 
Have use opened osgViewer with DependencyWalker to check if osgViewer misses 
some dlls?

Good Luck!


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