Ok, I deleted the build folder and restarted with the method you listed above 
and I am still getting massive amounts of errors (including the cannot find 

Here is what I am doing:

-downloaded OSG 2.4.8 zipped file, extract to D: and rename it OpenSceneGraph 
(i.e. D:\OpenSceneGraph)

- downloaded the library files:
   1. OpenSceneGraph-trunk-VS9.0.30729-x64-debug-12277.7z
   2. OpenSceneGraph-trunk-VS9.0.30729-x64-debug-12277-PDBs.7z
   3. OpenSceneGraph-trunk-VS9.0.30729-x64-release-12277.7z
  I extracted them, in that order, into D:\OpenSceneGraph

- started cmake-gui (cmake version  2.8.4) and drag/dropped 
D:\OpenSceneGraph\CMakeLists.txt into the gui

- clicked configure. it went through its ordeal and came up with the massive 
amount of redness. 

- changed ACTUAL_3RDPARTY_DIR to D:\OpenSceneGraph (where I extracted the stuff 
out to). changed the "where to build binaries" directory to 
D:\OpenSceneGraph\build . changed the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory to 
D:\OpenSceneGraph\install .

- clicked generate. took note of other red fields (jpeg, ping, tiff, curl, 
libxml) but they shouldnt matter

- opened D:\OpenSceneGraph\build\OpenSceneGraph.sln and here we are

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