
I have to admit that I've seen issues with laptops, but not like this!

I have a desktop at home with two Radon 5800 crossfired tougher and used my 
software on that without any problem, then take it to a Laptop with what I 
thought was a higher speed mobile graphics card only to have it come to a 
screeching halt.

One of the things you have to look out for is that Laptops are built for power 
conservation and to not to be a Lap Heater. Both the Operating system and Video 
card driver are set from the factory in a conservation mode that you have to 
disable to get any performance from the darn thing!
Oh, don't think, Oh I'll just put it in performance mode and think you’ll get 
buy. You may also have to remove some of the background software components 
that were installed for convince sake of a laptop – like that thingy that you 
use with your finger to log-in to your computer. 

You may have already thought of this, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway for 
those who haven’t. I've had too many people bang on my head because they can't 
get my software to run on their laptops and after looking into their system, 
finding all this hidden background crap that was holding things up. 
Oh, and Linux users, don't think that since you’re not using WinDozze that you 
out of the woods either. I've seen my share of crap on laptops using Linux as 

D Glenn.

D Glenn (a.k.a David Glenn) - Moving Heaven and Earth!

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