Hello fellow coders :)

I'm asking for you help one more time. I have a problem with shadows, it seems 
like I have a "view dependent shadow clipping plane".
I have an osgShadow::ShadowedScene with a city and a light following the player 
in it. The problem is that, when we move the camera, the shadows get clipped, 
as you can see in the attached screens, when the camera is high every buildings 
have a shadow, but when the camera gets to a "human" position then the clipping 
occurs :/ neither the models nor the light moved.
I have tried many different shadow technics but it happened for all of them, 
right now i use a osgShadow::MinimalShadowMap, i tried to change the 
minLightMargin with no success. I tried to change some parameters on the light 
or on the camera with no success either :( that's why i come here to ask for 
I added the red line on the screens, to show the "clipping plane" position.
This happens with OSG 2.8.3 and OSG 3.0.1

Thank you!


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