
Using many cameras is only a workround.

To get accurate rendering results you need a real distortion of the rendered 

Osgdistortion is a nice example.

Basically you have two options:
Distort you rtt pass on a per pixel basis with a shader, or apply the rtt 
result on a mesh and distort that.

To get the correct settings how to distort you have again two options:
A) modeling your project in an apropriate tool andvlet the tool calculate your 
camera setup, the distortion map and blending map

B) create an interface that allows to drag image coordinates with the mouse to 
setup your distortion manually.

To A): there is a ready to use solution provided by osgVisual. You do not need 
to use osgVisual, just use the sourcefiles of the distortion module.
You can also download there a tool to setup your distortion, it is called 
projection designer.

My experience: approach a) works technically great, but especially in multi 
channel setups it is useless: you can never setup your projectors and screen as 
you want, you have always a offset in angle and position, so the blending 

So instead of generating the distortion by modeling the geometry, I'm currently 
working on approach B).

I hope to finish it soon after my vacation and want to integrate it at least 
into osgVisual, but finally I will try to submitt it to OSG to enhance its 
distortion capabilities.

Thank you!


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