Hi Cyril,

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Cyril Bondue <c.bon...@cbbknet.com> wrote:
> I'll wait for next release so, and I'll test this new code and post the 
> result. Feel free to send me some code if you want it to be beta tested :) 
> (or can it be tested from the developper svn?)

I'll be checking the work into svn/trunk, and it'll be part of a 3.1.0
dev releases once I've completed enough of the functionality to wrap
up into a dev release.

> The situation that makes the bug very visible for me is when moving in a 
> tunnel, all the tunnel is shadowed but not the space in front of the camera. 
> When moving the camera all the tunnel become shadowed.

I don't have a test model with a tunnel in it, but I don't expect any
issues in tunnels as the new code makes sure the light space/shadow
volume setup encompasses all objects in the view frustum and all
objects between the view frustum and light source..

You can start testing the shadow map creation using what I have
already checked into OSG svn/trunk - if you run:

  osgviewer --vdsm YourModel

You should see your model rendered with the blank banding from
rendering the shadow map directly onto the scene - this is crude but
will give you an idea of shows that will be generated. I'm just
working on the shader setup that will take the shadowmap and do the
proper shadow rendering, hopefully I'll have something checked in

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