
I cannot help, my knowlenge in GL3 is quite limited. As far as I know Lion implementation is strictly Core profile only and probably OSG is mixing GL3 with older profiles. You can find a bit more information, but not too much, in the Apple Developer forums. 

My original problem was to use a GLSL 1.5 program in OSG's Mac version. In Windows and Linux the system will create the best profile possible for OSG, automatically and without enabling GL3 explicitly, and, in my case, is version 3.3. In Mac the developer must create explicitly a 3.2 profile. This is not the case in OSG and my app fails.

As far as I know my only options are either to code the GLSL function in version 1.2 or run OSG in GL3 mode.

Best regards,


On Mar 3, 2012, at 2:56 , Paul Martz <> wrote:

I'm assuming you are referring to the shader program info log message:
   Validation Failed: No vertex array object bound.

That's a mystery. It doesn't appear on Windows. I find it odd that OS X would require the use of vertex array objects when you open a 3.x context, but that's what the error text appears to imply. I did a quick web search and didn't see any discussion of such a message.

On 3/2/2012 5:10 PM, David Garcia wrote:
Following Paul advice I try osgWorks (2.0.0) teapot. I got different errors. In
the state I have add to extract more information:

The output is in the zip file (errors.txt).
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