Preet wrote on 2012-10-04: 
> Sorry if it wasn't clear; the items aren't being displayed because the
> near and far planes that osg sets creates a frustum that doesn't
> them. I need to manually set the near and far planes to see
> The near and far planes that osg sets without the earth surface
> is fine. Once you add the surface geometry though, the near and far
> planes are set such that the items are no long in the view frustum.

If the surface geometry is in view but the calculated frustum doesn't
contain it, then that sounds like a bug that should be investigated
further. Are you certain the frustum really doesn't contain the surface

It seems more likely that the problem is with z buffer precision due to
the earth geometry pushing the far plane out so far that the surface
geometry is getting buried, as other people in the thread have
Bryan Thrall
Principal Software Engineer
FlightSafety International

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