On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 1:02 AM, Preet <prismatic.proj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sergey's suggestion (invalidating the geometry's bounds with a custom
> compute bounds callback) sort of worked, but led into another issue.
> If I zoom out far enough, the Earth surface geometry disappears.
> Specifically, if the camera is pointing at the center of the Earth,
> the Earth geometry disappears when the camera eye is further than
> ~5.13E6m from the surface of the Earth. Changing the near and far
> planes don't have any effect here.
> However, if I disable culling I don't have this problem (but disabling
> culling kills the framerate):
> myCam->setCullingMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR);

Sorry, typo above, I meant to write:

> So right now I'm:
> * Setting the near and far plane manually
> (myCam->setComputeNearFarMode is set to DO_NOT_COMPUTE) whenever the
> camera is updated to ensure my desired view volume is correct
> * Setting the Earth surface geometry compute bounds callback to disabled
> And that works fine up until I move the camera out far enough as I
> described previously. Something happens at that causes the geometry to
> disappear unless I disable culling altogether.
> Preet
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