On 22/11/2012, at 11:44 PM, Jan Ciger <jan.ci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you actually need to compile for MIPS and x86? x86 Android devices are 
> very very rare and I have never heard about a MIPS one (maybe some TVs?). The 
> armeabi and armeabi-v7a are the most common ones, in fact, if you want to cut 
> down even more (and don't mind a bit of performance loss), armeabi binaries 
> will run on everything.

Yes, since we (ARToolworks) use OSG in our ARToolKit SDKs (across Windows, OS 
X, Linux, iOS and hopefully soon, Android :-) ), we have to anticipate that the 
users of our SDK will potentially run on any architecture supported by Android. 
Intel is making a push with Atom-based Android tablets, so x86 is likely to be 
more common going into 2013. There are a bunch of low-cost Android devices in 
China using MIPS.

On another note made in the thread about attempting to replicate OpenCV's 
"OpenCV Manager" strategy for Android: to those developing the Android port of 
OSG, and on behalf of the users, don't do this. It makes for bad user 
experience. The user just wants to install and run your app, and then has to 
deal with "what is this asking me to install NOW?" along with the delay, 
logging in and fiddling with the Android market. We use OpenCV and we have gone 
to some lengths to statically link OpenCV to as to avoid having to put our 
users through this. It's basically trying to solve a problem which doesn't 
exist -- users really don't care that much about a couple of extra MB in size 
of your app. It also potentially breaks your app if the user installs new 
binaries including changes which are not completely backwards compatible.

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