Hi Robert,

2013/4/3 Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>

> There new approach should be able to encompass novel displays that require
> multiple camera and then a second pass to render the result.  In essence it
> won't be any different to how stereo will be done - a master Camera on the
> view that controls the main view and projection matrices, then slave
> Camera's to render the left/right or n views with the appropriate view and
> projection offsets, then if required a final slave Camera that does the
> composition.

> The question for me is how best to wire up the interface for the stereo
> support and any other schemes.  One approach is to leave it low level
> viewer configuration where the user or a configuration file describe
> exactly what slave Camera are required, this will require just what we have
> right now in terms of the osgViewer API and implementation, the only
> addition would be a fully functioning viewer configuration file.  Providing
> easier to use helper functions in osgViewer::View in addition to the viewer
> configuration file is what I'd like to do so the user can use either route
> or a combination of these - prior art to these helper functions are the
> View::setUpView*() methods.
Yes that is the idea, but I think a simple offset is not enough, as
depending on the scene and/or the fusionDistance the "offset" should be a
callback which computes the correct displacement for each View. If I recall
correctly SceneView has a StereoMatricesCallback to achieve this
computations. Maybe exposing this callbacks into the addSlave API will
allow better stereo support.

Maybe for a "simple" configuration file one can use a default stereo
settings and set up default callbacks or a simple offset depending on what
do you want to achieve, and of course the grid of cameras configuration,
for instance, 2 columns, 1 row is horizontal split, 3 columns 3 rows is a
multiview, but in the end it behaves the same.

Then if you want to add a second, third or whatever passes for getting mesh
distorsion and/or even a special interleave perhaps the configuration file
could only have a  "filter" per pass and a set of params for the filter.
Not sure if these things fits on your idea.

> BTW, if you can create the appropriate viewer slave Camera and shader
> combination then I'd be able to wrap this up in a helper function.

Yes, I will do that, but I never did it because it was not possible to
change the "offsets" per frame, maybe I could prepare the code with a
simple offset and then improve it when something more configurable is



> Robert.
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