On 04/03/2013 03:47 PM, Christian Buchner wrote:

Why not just build an approximate mesh based on the Oculus projection
formula? ;)


Why to do that when the formula including the distortion coefficients is provided in the SDK? Do you have a parametric modeller that could do it? Otherwise I would have to program a tool to generate me the mesh - a PITA, when I can just plug the 5 or so coefficients into a shader instead.

There is even sample shader code included too. Unfortunately only HLSL - VR peripheral and every example is only for DirectX, a bit crazy, but I guess they are trying to position it mainly as a gaming, not industrial product.

BTW, the same lens distortion formulas are used whenever you are working with live video from cameras to undistort images, e.g. for augmented reality. So being able to use the distortion model directly by means of a shader would be quite useful.


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