On 04/03/2013 10:58 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
The question for me is how best to wire up the interface for the stereo
support and any other schemes.  One approach is to leave it low level
viewer configuration where the user or a configuration file describe
exactly what slave Camera are required, this will require just what we
have right now in terms of the osgViewer API and implementation, the
only addition would be a fully functioning viewer configuration file.
Providing easier to use helper functions in osgViewer::View in addition
to the viewer configuration file is what I'd like to do so the user can
use either route or a combination of these - prior art to these helper
functions are the View::setUpView*() methods.

E.g. the Oculus Rift HMD needs two side-by-side views (slave cameras), with barrel distortion and scaling. The parameters for this are described using a formula, there isn't a mesh to project on, so a shader is required to do the distortion.

If there was a function that would set up two views like that using FBOs or something, providing the hooks where to attach the required shaders, that would be already hugely helpful.


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