So it turns out that I have been asking the wrong question.

It is true that I'm new to scene graphs and all the nuances that go along with 
them.  However, I do understand enough about the to know that if you have two 
objects whose local coordinate center is 0,0,0 then they should be 
interchangable in the scenegraph; scale and rotation shouldn't make a 

To test this I did a variety of things ranging from using the infamous cow.osg 
(as an IVE of course) in place of the rail crossings to combining a multitude 
of IVE files into one and makeing sure I saw a jumble of shapes where I thought 
I should see them.

This all worked perfectly except for the model I converted from a KML file.  No 
matter what I did to the model the box never appeared.  I tried adding other 
modesl with it; they all appeared but the box did not.  I tried turning off all 
culling; no change.  I tried different scales; no change.  I tried adding a few 
lines to represent the coordinate axises (axies, asciis?); I saw the lines but 
not the box.  I set up a viewer that had the box revolve around each of the 
axis while rotating around it's local axies at the same time; this looked 
exactly as expected.

With all culling off, with other viewers displaying the model as expected, I'm 
not sure what could possibly cause this.  I think my best option at the time is 
to hand this over to my boss, explain the situation, and wish whoever gets 
stuck with this the best of all possible luck.

Thanks for all of your help, Robert.

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