On 4 June 2013 09:42, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My current action plan is to get GeometryNew.cpp to build and run with
> the osggeometry example

I have now got my quick clean up of Geometry as GeometryNew class with
osgeometry compiling and running correctly. My GeometryNew class
removes support for vertex indices.  My next step is to look at
BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE.  While vertex indices aren't actually used in the
core OSG BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE is quite widely used in the examples.
They really shouldn't be though as it means that they are all forces
slow paths in osg::Geometry.

I don't know yet whether to check in GeometryNew, or whether to wait
till I've done enough work to renamed the old Geometry to
GeometryDeprecated and rename GeometryNew to Geometry.  I'm currently
inclined to do this work in stages and check in GeometryNew even if
it's just a temporary class name.

Again I welcome feedback from the community.

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