I've decided to assign colors to different shadowTexCoord.z values.
That's my final pass fragment shader now: http://goo.gl/n6FrVB
Turns out shadowTexCoord.z is in the range (-51.85;-50.80) for the scene
for some reason.
And, as you see from this video:
http://youtu.be/_NQLCXYveHYshadowTexCoord.z values change when I move
main camera.
I don't know how to interpret this. Any idea?

2013/10/14 michael kapelko <korn...@gmail.com>

> Hi.
> My shadow pass fragment shader looks like this: http://goo.gl/R5r7Z1
> So all xyzw contain the depth fragment. I tried .x too.
> My current problem is in interpreting shadowTexCoord.z
> The shadow projection matrix setup is: http://goo.gl/ly2u7F
> Does that mean my shadowTexCoord.z should be in the range [1; 100]? Or
> [-1;1]?
> Thanks.
> 2013/10/14 Marcel Pursche <marcel.purs...@student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de>
>> Hi,
>> you write the depth in your first texture component(accessed from the
>> shader with .r,  .x or .s). But you read it from the third component of
>> your texture(.z). I know it looks confusing at first to read the depth from
>> .x, but this is actually right.
>> Thank you!
>> Cheers,
>> Marcel
>> ------------------
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>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=56770#56770
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