
osgLeap-0.3.0 is tagged now.

* osgLeap-0.3.0 requires at least OpenSceneGraph?-3.1.4 including build of the 
osgdb_png plugin to read the PNG images files for the osgLeap::HandState? class 

* Introduced osgLeap::PointerEventDevice? to generate native OpenSceneGraph? 
events from your Leap Motion actions. As the name suggests this class focuses 
on generating (or 'emulating') 2D mouse or touch events for all fingers 
detected pointing at the screen. PointerEventDevice? supports two modes for 
click emulation or may be deactivated:
1) Time-based (e.g. if pointer is standing still for 5 seconds, however the 
actual trigger time can be defined by the user)
2) Screentap (fires a mouse or touch event if the Leap 'Screentap' gesture is 

* PointerEventDevice? may be configured to fire either mouse or touch events 
however the touch emulation is to be considered experimental. To test 
PointerEventDevice? run the leappointer example. 

* Feedback on the touch emulation mode is greatly appreciated. 

* Added osgLeap::HandState? visualizer to give the user a hint on what the Leap 
Device is currently seeing. 

* Introduced osgLeap::PointerGraphicsUpdateCallback? for visualization of the 
positions you are pointing at. Refer to example_leappointer on how to use 

* Renamed osgLeap::LeapManipulator? to osgLeap::OrbitManipulator?. This is done 
in order to avoid naming issues with future additional manipulators. 

* Renamed example_leapdemo to example_leaporbit 

* Introduced osgLeap::HUDCamera class to simplify examples[/list]

Thank you!


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