Am 12.11.2013 00:24, schrieb Bram Vaessen:

It's not working. I keep getting these:

'world2.exe': Loaded 'D:\world2\world2\osg100-osgViewerd.dll', Cannot find or 
open the PDB file

I put the PDB files in the same directory as where the DLL is, under the exact 
name. I ALSO set the directory where the PDB files were initially created 
(osg/bin dir) in the debugging option on where to look for PDB files.
I even copied them into a temp directory that was set as 'cache symbols' 
directory. But still it keeps saying that it can't find or open the PDB file.

Why is this still not working, what could be wrong? something wrong with the 
dll's ?
Usually I set a breakpoint in my code and when I try to step into the function I set the pdb location when asked by Visual Studio. Also, when debugging open the Debug->Windows->Modules tab. There you can inspect all loaded dlls and do a "Load Symbols from ...". If this doesn't work, your dlls are not matching the pdb files.

Did you build OSG all by yourself?


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