Thanks Robert for the reply.

In fact I verified that osg example osgviewerQt.cpp works fine witn 3.1.8. I 
mean I downloded osg zip file, run cmake gui, generated a VS 2010 express ed 
solution and built from there, lobs, ive plug-in and the the example. Modified 
the example just to load my ive file, just that.

Anyway the problem appears with 3.1.9. Then I tried my own application with osg 
3.2.0 and it was not working too. The same happens for my application with 
3.1.9 and 3.1.10. On the contrary it works fine with 3.1.8.

After that I tried building osgviewerQt.cpp example with osg 3.2.0 and in fact 
it works.

Now, I have to understand why my application behaves like the example built 
against osg 3.1.9 while the osg example works fine. It seems I have to search 
the forum for an old discussion.

There's also another strange behavior I found moving from osg 3.0.1 to a newer 
release. It is related to osgWidgets. Basically I have a qt application and for 
sure in osg 3.1.8 osgWidgets are much smaller than their size before I 
interactively resize the viewer (or the main window that contains the viewer). 
Is this also a known issue?


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