Hi Gianni,

I'll have to defer to Jeremy Moles on osgWidget support.


On 22 November 2013 10:41, Gianni Ambrosio <ga...@vi-grade.com> wrote:

> Hi Robert, do you have any idea regarding the strange effect I have with
> osgWidgets? I try to repeat my issue.
> You can see my viewer code I posted above (now fixed getting the camera of
> the view). The viewer inherits from osgQt::GLWidget and
> osgViewer::CompositeViewer and I set the camera graphic context as follows:
> iCamera->setGraphicsContext(new osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt(this));
> I also override the qt resize event (to update a cross axes HUD) but I
> call the GLWidget implementation in it:
> void ViewerWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* iEvent)
> {
>    GLWidget::resizeEvent(iEvent);
> ...
> }
> Now, if I run my application without resizing the viewer widget and I
> insert an osgWidget::Window to the osgWidget::WindowManager I can see it
> stretched to a small size.
> Then I resize the viewer interactively, the code falls into the handled
> resizeEvent and the GLWidget::resizeEvent(iEvent) call makes the widget to
> be shown correctly. It seems there's something related to the
> "GraphicsWindowQt* _gw" size of GLWidget or the way I create it but I can't
> get the point.
> Thanks for your help,
> Gianni
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=57392#57392
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