Hi Jaime,
Thanks for your response!

I have a lot (5000 aprox) of trees in my example scene. Each tree has got two planes and 
textures. However, my terrain geometry is relatively simple. I think that the terrain is 
not the problem. And there are some buildings in some places. Also, there are cars and 
pedestrians. So, it is a "complex" scene.
If you don't need alpha blending (or at least correctly sorted blending) you might want to use instancing. In combination with geometry-shader based LoD (e.g. displaying a billboard which is rotated in the geometry shader for far trees) I got pretty decent results with 1k to 16k objects. You will still have to split the trees into a quadtree, since instancing has its peak performance for certain batch sizes. But you will have to figure it out by experiment since this seems highly dependent on the geometry and the "other" work on the GPU.

Also having potentially 5000 draw calls each frame will have a serious impact on performance. If your trees are scattered in bigger groups (e.g. alleys or forests) it might be a good idea to bundle a certain amount of trees into one drawable (e.g. a group of three or five trees). This can improve your performance by trading of some bigger vertex arrays/display lists with less drawcalls.

Nowadays, the performance is not good (20 fps aprox). We are not using any LOD 
nodes. Because of that, I thought in that solution.
Using LODs won't help here too much with your trees (simplifying 2 quads is quite hard) , but might help you with your more complex objects as houses etc. Take a look at the GeometrySimplifier in osgUtil it can generate some LODs for testing for you.

What are your tips? How about using VisibilityGroup?
Unfortunately I didn't try this, but since your description doesn't sound like you have big occluders. I'm not quite up to date on the topic, but using Occlusion culling is not very efficient since it requires a GPU-CPU roundtrip.


Thanks :)

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