Hi Robert, I am working with some localized XML files (with chars out of 0-255 range) and at present the XML Node parsing is not suitable to manage it. And I think the support for is important - at my case it is OpenStreetMap with street names containing these chars.
Attached is the modified source (based on the master) that fixes ity, if you have time and will to review. I can do PR if you want Thanks and cheers! Nick p.s. welcome back -- trajce nikolov nick
/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #include <osgDB/XmlParser> #include <osgDB/FileUtils> #include <osg/Notify> using namespace osgDB; XmlNode* osgDB::readXmlFile(const std::string& filename,const Options* options) { std::string foundFile = osgDB::findDataFile(filename, options); if (!foundFile.empty()) { XmlNode::Input input; input.open(foundFile); input.readAllDataIntoBuffer(); if (!input) { OSG_NOTICE<<"Could not open XML file: "<<filename<<std::endl; return 0; } osg::ref_ptr<XmlNode> root = new XmlNode; root->read(input); return root.release(); } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Could not find XML file: "<<filename<<std::endl; return 0; } } std::string osgDB::trimEnclosingSpaces(const std::string& str) { if (str.empty()) return str; const std::string whitespaces(" \t\f\v\n\r"); std::string::size_type start = str.find_first_not_of(whitespaces); if (start==std::string::npos) return std::string(); std::string::size_type end = str.find_last_not_of(whitespaces); if (end==std::string::npos) return std::string(); return std::string(str, start, (end-start)+1); } XmlNode* osgDB::readXmlStream(std::istream& fin) { XmlNode::Input input; input.attach(fin); input.readAllDataIntoBuffer(); if (!input) { OSG_NOTICE<<"Could not attach to XML stream."<<std::endl; return 0; } osg::ref_ptr<XmlNode> root = new XmlNode; root->read(input); return root.release(); } XmlNode::ControlMap::ControlMap() { setUpControlMappings(); } void XmlNode::ControlMap::addControlToCharacter(const std::string& control, int c) { _controlToCharacterMap[control] = c; _characterToControlMap[c] = control; } void XmlNode::ControlMap::setUpControlMappings() { addControlToCharacter("&",'&'); addControlToCharacter("<",'<'); addControlToCharacter(">",'>'); addControlToCharacter(""",'"'); addControlToCharacter("'",'\''); addControlToCharacter("&nl;",'\n'); } XmlNode::Input::Input(): _currentPos(0) { } XmlNode::Input::Input(const Input&): ControlMap(), _currentPos(0) { } XmlNode::Input::~Input() { } void XmlNode::Input::open(const std::string& filename) { _fin.open(filename.c_str()); } void XmlNode::Input::attach(std::istream& fin) { std::ios &fios = _fin; fios.rdbuf(fin.rdbuf()); } void XmlNode::Input::readAllDataIntoBuffer() { while(_fin) { int c = _fin.get(); //if (c>=0 && c<=255) { _buffer.push_back(c); } } } void XmlNode::Input::skipWhiteSpace() { while(_currentPos<_buffer.size() && (_buffer[_currentPos]==' ' || _buffer[_currentPos]=='\t' || _buffer[_currentPos]=='\n' || _buffer[_currentPos]=='\r')) { //OSG_NOTICE<<"_currentPos="<<_currentPos<<"_buffer.size()="<<_buffer.size()<<" v="<<int(_buffer[_currentPos])<<std::endl; ++_currentPos; } //OSG_NOTICE<<"done"<<std::endl; } XmlNode::XmlNode() { type = UNASSIGNED; } bool XmlNode::read(Input& input) { if (type == UNASSIGNED) type = ROOT; while(input) { //input.skipWhiteSpace(); if (input.match("<!--")) { XmlNode* commentNode = new XmlNode; commentNode->type = XmlNode::COMMENT; children.push_back(commentNode); input += 4; XmlNode::Input::size_type end = input.find("-->"); commentNode->contents = input.substr(0, end); if (end!=std::string::npos) { OSG_INFO<<"Valid Comment record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += (end+3); } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unclosed Comment record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += end; } } else if (input.match("</")) { input += 2; XmlNode::Input::size_type end = input.find(">"); std::string comment = input.substr(0, end); if (end!=std::string::npos) { OSG_INFO<<"Valid end tag ["<<comment<<"]"<<std::endl; input += (end+1); } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unclosed end tag ["<<comment<<"]"<<std::endl; input += end; } if (comment==name) { OSG_INFO<<"end tag is matched correctly"<<std::endl; } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: end tag is not matched correctly"<<std::endl; } return true; } else if (input.match("<!DOCTYPE")) { XmlNode* commentNode = new XmlNode; commentNode->type = XmlNode::INFORMATION; children.push_back(commentNode); ++input; XmlNode::Input::size_type end = input.find(">"); commentNode->contents = input.substr(0, end); if (end!=std::string::npos) { OSG_INFO<<"Valid information record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += (end+2); } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unclosed information record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += end; } } else if (input.match("<![CDATA[")) { XmlNode* commentNode = new XmlNode; commentNode->type = XmlNode::INFORMATION; children.push_back(commentNode); input += 9; XmlNode::Input::size_type end = input.find("]]>"); commentNode->contents = input.substr(0, end); if (end!=std::string::npos) { OSG_INFO<<"Valid information record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += (end+2); } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unclosed information record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += end; } } else if (input.match("<?")) { XmlNode* commentNode = new XmlNode; commentNode->type = XmlNode::INFORMATION; children.push_back(commentNode); input += 2; XmlNode::Input::size_type end = input.find("?>"); commentNode->contents = input.substr(0, end); if (end!=std::string::npos) { OSG_INFO<<"Valid information record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += (end+2); } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: Unclosed information record ["<<commentNode->contents<<"]"<<std::endl; input += end; } } else if (input.match("<")) { XmlNode* childNode = new XmlNode; childNode->type = XmlNode::NODE; children.push_back(childNode); input += 1; input.skipWhiteSpace(); int c = 0; c = input[0]; while (c!=' ' && c!='\n' && c!='\r' && c!='>' && c!='/') { childNode->name.push_back(c); ++input; c = input[0]; } c = input[0]; while (c!='>' && c!='/') { Input::size_type prev_pos = input.currentPosition(); input.skipWhiteSpace(); std::string option; std::string value; if (input[0]=='"') { option.push_back(input[0]); ++input; c = input[0]; while(c!='"') { if (c=='&') readAndReplaceControl(option, input); else { option.push_back(c); ++input; } c = input[0]; } option.push_back(input[0]); ++input; c = input[0]; } else { c = input[0]; while(c!='>' && c!='/' && c!='"' && c!='\'' && c!='=' && c!=' ' && c!='\n' && c!='\r') { option.push_back(c); ++input; c = input[0]; } } input.skipWhiteSpace(); if (input[0]=='=') { ++input; input.skipWhiteSpace(); if (input[0]=='"') { ++input; c = input[0]; while(c!='"') { if (c=='&') readAndReplaceControl(value, input); else { value.push_back(c); ++input; } c = input[0]; } ++input; c = input[0]; } else if (input[0]=='\'') { ++input; c = input[0]; while(c!='\'') { if (c=='&') readAndReplaceControl(value, input); else { value.push_back(c); ++input; } c = input[0]; } ++input; c = input[0]; } else { ++input; c = input[0]; while(c!=' ' && c!='\n' && c!='\r' && c!='"' && c!='\'' && c!='>') { value.push_back(c); ++input; c = input[0]; } } } if (prev_pos == input.currentPosition()) { OSG_NOTICE<<"Error, parser iterator not advanced, position: "<<input.substr(0,50)<<std::endl; ++input; } if (!option.empty()) { OSG_INFO<<"Assigning option "<<option<<" with value "<<value<<std::endl; childNode->properties[option] = value; } c = input[0]; } c = input[0]; if ((c=='>' || c=='/')) { ++input; OSG_INFO<<"Valid tag ["<<childNode->name<<"]"<<std::endl; if (c=='/') { if ((c=input[0])>=0 && c=='>') { ++input; OSG_INFO<<"tag is closed correctly"<<std::endl; childNode->type = ATOM; } else OSG_NOTICE<<"Error: tag is not closed correctly"<<std::endl; } else { bool result = childNode->read(input); if (!result) return false; } if (type==NODE && !children.empty()) type = GROUP; } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Unclosed tag ["<<childNode->name<<"]"<<std::endl; return false; } } else { int c = input[0]; if (c=='&') { readAndReplaceControl(contents, input); } else { contents.push_back( c ); ++input; } } } if (type==NODE && !children.empty()) type = GROUP; return false; } bool XmlNode::write(std::ostream& fout, const std::string& indent) const { ControlMap controlMap; return write(controlMap, fout, indent); } bool XmlNode::write(const ControlMap& controlMap, std::ostream& fout, const std::string& indent) const { switch(type) { case(UNASSIGNED): OSG_NOTICE<<"UNASSIGNED"<<std::endl; return false; case(ATOM): { fout<<indent<<"<"<<name; writeProperties(controlMap, fout); fout<<" />"<<std::endl; return true; } case(ROOT): { writeChildren(controlMap, fout, indent); return true; } case(NODE): fout<<indent<<"<"<<name; writeProperties(controlMap,fout); fout<<">"; writeString(controlMap, fout, contents); fout<<"</"<<name<<">"<<std::endl; return true; case(GROUP): { fout<<indent<<"<"<<name; writeProperties(controlMap,fout); fout<<">"<<std::endl; writeChildren(controlMap, fout, indent + " "); fout<<indent<<"</"<<name<<">"<<std::endl; return true; } case(COMMENT): { fout<<indent<<"<!--"<<contents<<"-->"<<std::endl; return true; } case(INFORMATION): { fout<<indent<<"<?"<<contents<<"?>"<<std::endl; return true; } } return false; } bool XmlNode::writeString(const ControlMap& controlMap, std::ostream& fout, const std::string& str) const { for(std::string::const_iterator itr = str.begin(); itr != str.end(); ++itr) { int c = *itr; ControlMap::CharacterToControlMap::const_iterator citr = controlMap._characterToControlMap.find(c); if (citr != controlMap._characterToControlMap.end()) fout << citr->second; else fout.put(c); } return true; } bool XmlNode::writeChildren(const ControlMap& /*controlMap*/, std::ostream& fout, const std::string& indent) const { for(Children::const_iterator citr = children.begin(); citr != children.end(); ++citr) { if (!(*citr)->write(fout, indent)) return false; } return true; } bool XmlNode::writeProperties(const ControlMap& controlMap, std::ostream& fout) const { for(Properties::const_iterator oitr = properties.begin(); oitr != properties.end(); ++oitr) { fout<<" "<<oitr->first<<"=\""; if (!writeString(controlMap,fout,oitr->second)) return false; fout<<"\""; } return true; } bool XmlNode::readAndReplaceControl(std::string& in_contents, XmlNode::Input& input) const { int c = 0; std::string value; while(input && (c=input.get())!=';') { value.push_back(c); } value.push_back(c); if (input._controlToCharacterMap.count(value)!=0) { c = input._controlToCharacterMap[value]; OSG_INFO<<"Read control character "<<value<<" converted to "<<char(c)<<std::endl; in_contents.push_back(c); return true; } else { OSG_NOTICE<<"Warning: read control character "<<value<<", but have no mapping to convert it to."<<std::endl; return false; } }
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