I am encourage by all the discussion about cmake, and while I am not yet in a position to learn and start working with cmake right away I do plan to over the coming months.   If things work out well then we could well see OpenSceneGraph moved across to using Cmake. 

One thing that does slightly bother me is the yet another script language syndrome.  Is there a reason why they dind't adopt Python or Lua?  From my  positive experiences with Lua I'd say it would be work well as the basis of a domain specific language for build, and its so small that it could easily fit inside the another project like cmake.

Another aspect to challange that cmake is trying to sumount is that of tracking the moving goal posts of VS and Xcode.  I don't hold out much hope for influencing MS to better support the cmake project itself, but perhaps Apple could be more open to helping making the task of support Xcode through cmake easier.  For instance if a new Xcode version comes out and breaks the compatibility then perhaps Apple could release scripts for the new Xcode on the day of release or near after.  Perhaps other IDE's could be encouraged to go the same route.

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