Eric Maslowski wrote:
> Hello all,
>   In line with recent discussions regarding documentation and such, what is
> the recommended way to grab a arbitrary node from the scenegraph and move it
> manually? I'm working on integrating a physics engine with OSG and I would
> like to simply "bind" an osg node to the physics-based object so that the
> physics transform overwrites that of the OSG node. All nodes are previously
> loaded before building the physics objects so I have to query the scenegraph
> for the necessary elements.
> I can grab a node from the scene graph without issue, but just moving the
> object seems problematic. I have tried dynamic_cast, using
> asTransform/asMatrixTransform routines, grabbing the parent and
> casting/modifying that, but it never moves. What is the recommended method?
> Thanks
> E.
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I would use a Transform node and modify the transform matrix.

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
 deserve neither liberty or security
--Benjamin Franklin

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