Robert, I guess you miss the point:

"Robert Osfield" wrote:

> The answer has to be in doing a cross compile, by creating two out of source
> build directories, one for each platform.  You set up env vars before you
> call cmake to enable the different compiles.

Nobody's talking about cross-compiling the whole OSG. I'm talking about
the build system picking the correct libraries for almost _everything_
- just for the GIF and the FreeType plugin it is referring to the wrong

>    mkdir buildOSG_32
>    cd buildOSG_32
>    setenv CXXFLAGS=...
>    setenv CFLAGS=...
>    setenv LDFLAGS=...
>    cmake ../OpenSceneGraph
>    make
>    cd ..

I get the slight idea that you decided to replace the burden of
maintaining the build system with the burden of using it ....  Man,
things were so easy before CMake was made compulsory for building OSG.

The 'original' OSG build system was set up to tell between different
platforms and to apply the respective flags for each of them. I wonder
if there is no such thing in CMake that allows simply to adapt all
these rules accordingly !? This would save us/me from a bunch of
trouble that was introduced with CMake.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !
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