Following Felix's shameless Apache/Adobe plugs ;) I'll add:

Liferay was/is a traditionally massive enterprise WAR (but really more) for
which, in time we realized monoliths are really very #$%^&@... and so we
learned and adopted OSGi inside our application and gradually (not so
gradually actually) evolved our legacy non-modular code into our embedded
OSGi framework. This was a massive change but totally the right thing to do.

We use Apache Felix/Apache Aries/Eclipse Equinox (and other OSS) projects
as sources for many of our key "subsystems" and we're helping (trying
anyway) to build out even more systems that don't currently exist in OSGi
as members of the greater OSGi community and by participating in the OSGi
Alliance. We've gained so many benefits from this relationship with the
OSGi community that I highly recommend participating.

Just a small list of the current work in progress (YOU CAN GET IN ON THE

Push Streams - Aries (an async event streaming API)
tx-control - Aries (functional oriented transaction management)
JAX-RS Whiteboard - Aries
CDI Extender - Aries (coming soon)
Converter - Felix (standardized light weight object conversion)
Configurator - Felix (deployable configurations)

and many more...


- Ray

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Felix Meschberger <>

> Hi Wai Keung
> This is a shameless Apache Software Foundation plug, sorry ;-)
> Having said that, the Apache Felix project ( is
> basically the OSGi „core“ home at Apache while Apache Aries (
> has a lot of Enterprise Spec implementations.
> Apache Sling (, finally, is a web application framework
> entirely built „in OSGi“. It is the basis, sorry this is an Adobe plug, of
> Adobe Experience Manager which is a complete enterprise grade Web Content
> (and more) Management application and platform. All in OSGi. Sling’s
> Launchpad which helps building single file deployables for application
> deployment builds two files, actually: The standalone Java application with
> emebdded Jetty Server and a WAR file which can be deployed into any Servlet
> API compliant container such as Tomcat, or Weblogic (there are historically
> a few Adobe customers deploying Experience Manager into Weblogic or IBM
> WebSphere).
> Over the years, using OSGi as a modularization framework really proved the
> right choice for building Sling and Experience Manager (disclosure: I am
> one of the original developers of Sling)
> Hope this helps
> Regards
> Felix
> Am 24.11.2016 um 10:54 schrieb Wai Keung Yiu Man Lung <
> Hi All,
> I have recently discovered OSGI and am currently trying to evaluate it
> with public online resources before committing further to it.
> I have gone through the enRoute project primer and am wondering if there
> is any other publicly available resources where I can learn more on using
> the OSGI, especially for enterprise applications.
> I am evaluating if OSGI willl be a good fit for my work project which
> currently are build using a monolithic aproach into java WARs and deployed
> to Oracle weblogic.I am not particularly interested in the hot plugging
> aspect but more on the modular composition idea of OSGI for breaking down
> the projects that we have.
> 1. Any other recommended publicly (free) available resources for study
> (apart from enRoute)?
> 2. Can the jar bundle file from enRoute be wrapped in a WAR for deployment
> into weblogic which is using Apache Felix?
> Best Regards,
> Wai Keung
> _______________________________________________
> OSGi Developer Mail List
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> OSGi Developer Mail List

*Raymond Augé* <>
Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <>
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <> (@OSGiAlliance)
OSGi Developer Mail List

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