The Tip of a Dangerous Iceberg

2010 November 14

by David Horowitz <>

Huey Newton, right, with Black Panther           Party          
co-founder Bobby Seale.

This article originally appeared in                 FrontPage Magazine
on April 08, 2003
<> .

When I was a college radical and           anti-war activist forty years
ago, I was quite the           intellectual and (in my          
estimation) cautious and sober. Though I became an editor and          
then co-editor of           the leading radical magazine of the Sixties,
Ramparts,           I never threw a           rock during the entire
era. I never joined a radical sect and           never went to          
Communist Cuba or North Vietnam, which were then the meccas of          
the           radical faith. Although I was a founder of an organization
called the "Vietnam           Solidarity Campaign," I never
fooled myself that the Communist           state that would          
result from an American defeat would be a "rice roots          
democracy," the way Tom           Hayden and other leaders of the
"New Left" movement           proclaimed.

Nonetheless, before the era was           over, I was lured by my desire
to do humanitarian good and to           further the cause           of
social justice into working with the Black Panthers, a           group
of radical           gangsters who in 1974 murdered a friend of mine
(the mother of           three children)           and a dozen other
individuals besides.[1] The project I had           become involved in
with the Panthers was building an elementary school.

>From the vantage of the political           and cultural left, my
activities with the Black Panthers were           neither marginal
or extreme. At the time, the Panthers were icons of the          
progressive           intellectuals, symbolizing strong black leaders
who were           standing up for their           "oppressed"
community. The entire liberal culture supported           them. Leading
cultural figures like Garry Wills and Murray Kempton were          
writing praises of           the Panthers in the New York Times Sunday
magazine           Kempton even compared           their leader Huey
Newton to Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther           in the Times'
august pages. To this day The New York Times, The             Washington
Post and           other pillars of the American political culture,
celebrate the           Panthers – the           murderers of my
friend and a dozen others – as icons of the           "social

Fortunately, the Panthers           disintegrated in the early
Seventies, dragged down by their           criminal          
activities, internecine battles and the sordid brutality of          
their leaders, Huey           Newton and Eldridge Cleaver. Before he
died, Cleaver told a Sixty             Minutes audience,          
"If people had listened to Huey Newton and me in the Sixties,
there would have           been a holocaust in this country." Many
radicals, among them           Cleaver's most           prominent
promoter – Los Angles Times columnist Robert           Scheer —
looked           forward to that holocaust and actively encouraged it.
The           Panthers were the           "noble savages" of
liberal compassion, symbols of the           injustice that America
was said to be inflicting on American blacks.

What would have happened if the           Panthers had remained intact
to the present? What if they had           been the arm of           an
international terror network whose goal was the destruction           of
the United           States? There are such groups in America today.
They are           radical groups who           identify with the
violent jihad of Islamacist terror           organizations like
al-Qaeda, Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas. And they have          
the support of a           radical culture that regards America as the
Great Satan, and           Muslims and Arabs           as the people
whom America oppresses.

On campuses across this country,           embedded in the leadership of
every radical "anti-war" protest           group, are          
organizations that promote the culture of Islamic terrorism          
and its           anti-Western, anti-Israeli and anti-American agendas.
One that           will serve as an           example for the others is
the radical Muslim Student           Association (MSA). The          
Muslim Student Association is an organization financed by the          
Saudis and also           by student funds at every university where it
operates. The           ideas and           enthusiasms that it promotes
among impressionable college           students should give          
every American cause for concern.

On           October 22, 2000, Ahmed Shama, president of the          
UCLA Muslim Students Association led a crowd of demonstrators          
at the Israeli           consulate in chants of "Death to
Israel!" and "Death to the           Jews!" Shama          
declared that Ehud Barak, Yassir Arafat and Bill Clinton were          
all "racist           zionists." "When we see that
a peace process is             being negotiated between Zionists,
mediated by Zionists, controlled by Zionists, and being            
portrayed in the media             by Zionists, we come and we condemn
all of you," Shama         said.

One           of the invited speakers at the event was Hamid          
Ayloush, a member of the Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR),          
which was also an           event sponsor. In his           speech,
Ayloush solicited contributions for the Holy Land Foundation,          
an organization           that the Justice Department has shut down as
funder of           al-Qaeda.

On           May 26, 2001 the UCLA Muslim Student Association          
held a conference of Islamic radicals on the UCLA campus. The          
conference           featured speakers from CAIR whose founder is a
supporter of           the terrorist           organization Hamas, and
the Muslim Public Affairs council, a           radical group          
whose executive director has           justified the terrorist killing
of 243 U.S. marines in Lebanon           in 1983 by           Hizbollah
suicide bombers: "This               attack, for all the pain it
caused, was not in a strict sense,             a terrorist operation. It
was             a military operation,             producing no civilian
casualties — exactly the kind of             attack that Americans
might have lauded had it been directed against Washington's

The           UCLA Muslim Student Association has routinely          
invited pro-terrorist speakers to the UCLA campus and paid for          
them with           student funds. At a January 21, 2001 event, nine
months before           9/11, a speaker           called Imam Musa, an
African-American Muslim who is a staple           of the anti-war
rallies staged in Washington DC declared:  "If you              
were to say that the Soviet Union was wiped off the               face
of the earth . . . people would have thought you were              
crazy, right? The               people of Afghanistan didn't have
the intellect or               historical knowledge to know
that they wasn't supposed to wipe out the Soviet Union, is
that right? . . . We               saw the fall of one so-called
superpower, Old Sam is next."

Prior           to 9/11, the UCLA magazine Al-Talib           featured a
cover           story on Osama Bin Laden titled, "The Spirit of
Jihad." The           editorial declares:

"When               we hear someone refer to the great mujahideen 
Osama               Bin-Ladin as a               `terrorist' we
should defend our brother and refer to him               as a freedom
fighter;               someone who has forsaken wealth and            
power to fight in Allah's cause             and speak out against
oppressors.  We take these stances             only to please

Two           days before 9/11, Al Talib           co-sponsored a dinner
at UC Irvine to           honor then accused (and subsequently
convicted) cop-killer           (and Imam) Jamil           Al-Amin —
aka H. Rap Brown. Another cop-killer favored by           Muslim student
groups           and by the antiwar movement generally is Mumia Abu
Jamal. Imam           Musa spoke here           as well:

"You               think Zionism and Palestine is the only
dictatorial power               in the world.  We're              
telling you about apartheid right here in America.…           When
you fight Old Sam, you are               fighting someone that is
superior in criminality and               Nazism. The American
criminalizer is the most skillful oppressor that the world              
has ever known."

The Palestinian terrorists have           become the Black Panthers of
the contemporary anti-war           movement. The leftwing          
culture celebrates the suicide bombers of women and children          
as desperate           victims of Jewish oppression. Attackers and
destroyers of the           Oslo peace           process are proclaimed
as heroes. Terrorists and totalitarian           radicals are          
lionized as fighters for social justice. Israelis and          
Americans are condemned           as Nazis.

How many American college students           and antiwar activists have
been seduced by these poisonous           elements at work in          
our society? It is difficult to know. But one who has already          
paid for it with           her life is Rachel Corrie, a 24 year old
undergraduate at           Evergreen College in           Olympia
Washington, who has become known as the "Saint of          
Rafiah," the name of           the West Bank town where she died.
Evergreen is  one of the           many leftwing           campuses in
America, whose values have been turned so upside           down by
tenured           leftists that it recently featured convicted murderer
Mumia           Abu Jamal as its           commencement speaker. (He
spoke via tape).

Rachel Corrie began her activist           career as a member of the
Olympia Movement for Justice and           Peace, an          
organization formed directly after the 9/11 attack on America          
to oppose an           American military response. Its members feared
that, "America           would retaliate           by bombing some
of the poorest and most oppressed on earth,           the Afghan
people."[2] Their Marxist view of the world is captured in one
of the           Movement's favored slogans: "Corporate
Globalization Equals           Imperialist           Domination."

It was not long after she joined the           Olympia Movement that
Rachel Corrie was burning an American           flag in the name of
social justice. It was logical step for her to gravitate to an          
organization           that would demonstrate her commitment to the
cause. Through           her contacts in the           antiwar movement
she joined the International Solidarity           Campaign, whose
purpose is to recruit young Americans to become human shields          
for Palestinian           terrorists. The Solidarity Campaign's ties
to terrorism became           inescapable           eleven days after
Rachel Corrie's death when an elite           anti-terror unit of
the           Israel Defense Forces captured a senior Islamic Jihad
terrorist, Shadi Sukiya           hiding in its offices in Jenin.

Rachel Corrie was sent by           International Solidarity to a town
called Rafia in the Gaza           Strip to obstruct           Israeli
Defense Forces conducting anti-terror operations. She           sat down
in front           of an Israeli military bulldozer, and – according
to an           American eyewitness —           was inadvertently
killed when the machine whose driver could           not see her, ran
over her. This Sunday, the New York Times Magazine –           the
same magazine           that once celebrated the murderer of my friend
by the Black           Panthers– had a           tribute to Rachel
Corrie, to her humanitarian goodwill. The           article was called
"One Last Sit-In," to wrap the halo of Martin Luther King and
the civil rights           movement around her pro-terrorist activities.
The Times           article           summarized the news reports of
Corrie's death in these words:           "23-year-old          
peace activist from Olympia, Wash., crushed to death by an          
Israeli Army           bulldozer as she tried to block the demolition of
a           physician's home in Gaza."

[1] This           story is told in my autobiography, Radical Son, NY
1997.  It is           independently corroborated in Hugh Pearson, The
Shadow of             the Panthers,           NY 1993 and other texts.

[2] <>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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