Congratulations Todd-

Open Space is the way to go!

But first, get and understand what Harrison Owen has
written in "Open Space Technology- A Users Guide"- see for a copy; don't "do" OST without it!!


Elwin Guild
Future Development International

--- Todd Saddler <> wrote:
> Posted by Todd Saddler
> Greetings!
> My good friend, John Engle, suggested that I
> subscribe to the OS listserve.
> John exposed me to Open Space Technology as he as
> promoted its use for our
> work with Beyond Borders in Haiti.  I participated
> in 3 or 4 of our annual
> meetings that used Open Space, and was pleased with
> the results.
> Now I am living in Ithaca, New York, and am called
> to practice and promote
> sustainable living here in the USA. Based on my
> experience in Haiti, I am
> convinced that the typical American lifestyle is a
> part of the burden on the
> backs of the poor throughout the world, and is
> harmful to the environment.  I
> am trying to stimulate the creation of a business or
> organization which will
> provide green design and building services in this
> area.  It think that an
> Open Space conference would be a great  way to bring
> together people who
> would be interested in collaborating with me on this
> project.
> While I have participated in Open Space meetings
> before, I have not yet
> facilitated one.  I have a general feel for the
> principals and procedures,
> and have downloaded a few documents from the
> internet.  I have also ordered a
> copy of Harrison Owen's book on "Spirit" from my
> local bookstore.
> If anyone on the list serve has advice or
> suggestions, I would appreciate
> your help!
> Below is a copy of the latest version of the
> invitation.
> You are invited to an Open Space conference on the
> theme:
> Building for Sustainable Living:  Making it
> Available
> Our society defines us as consumers and makes it
> relatively easy to live
> comfortably in ways that degrade the environment and
> exploit other people.  A
> few committed nonconformists are able, with
> difficulty, to create
> alternatives to the status quo, and thus provide a
> good example. But what
> about the rest?
> A growing number of people aspire to live
> sustainably, but are unable to
> strike out on their own and do it.  The time is ripe
> for those who have the
> skills, experience, vision, and commitment to come
> together and create ways
> to make sustainable built environments a real,
> available, affordable option
> for everyone whose conscience causes them to want
> it.
> Open Space
> Open Space Technology, developed by Harrison Owen,
> is a method for organising
> a self-managed meeting or conference where
> participants create their own
> programme of work sessions. In these simultaneous
> sessions people discuss
> their concerns, explore issues and opportunities and
> find new ways forward.
> An Open Space event brings people together, often in
> large numbers and
> representing great diversity, to contribute their
> views, share their ideas
> and develop plans for creative and collaborative
> action. The output of an
> Open Space conference is a set of written reports,
> one for each session,
> usually with action points.
> This text is from,
> where you can find much more
> information about this exciting new organizational
> tool.  If you haven't
> participated an Open Space yet, it will be worth
> your while to come for this
> reason alone!
> Where: The Common House at Ecovillage Ithaca.
> Please park in the visitor
> parking area or
> along the road, but not in spaces near houses.
> When: Saturday, March 10th, 2001, 1PM to 5PM,
> Potluck supper to follow.
> Cost: Free to the people - there will be a dish to
> pass supper.   If you are
> able to bring a laptop computer, that would help us
> get the report out more
> quickly.
> If interested, please contact  Todd Saddler
> 269-0587,  We
> need to  have an aproximate idea of how many people
> are likely to come.
> *
> *
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