The Open Space went swimmingly, I thought.  We had 30 people; builders,
architects, home owners and people who intend to build sustainable homes.

Laurie explained the procedure, and the basic ideas behind it, and there were
a few questions and clarifications.  As soon as she gave the word, half the
attendees leaped to the center and started posting topics.

Other than Laurie and I, no one had been part of an Open Space meeting
before, but everyone embraced the process, and we were all pleased with the
results.  The attendees relished the opportunity to participate in creating
the agenda, negotiating breakout sessions, and helping each other clarify
their topics.  The break out sessions I was a part were rich and informative,
and I think the other sessions were as well.

Everyone decided to enjoy an extended coffee break (with Kafe Antwamiz)
between the two break out periods.  I think that people enjoyed the fact
that, if they were involved in a conversation which was important to them,
there was no need to rush off somewhere else.

All in all, things seemed to work well, if not precisely according to plan.
Two things which did not work, due to the short time, were the use of laptops
and the graffiti pages.  We provided them, but hardly anyone used them.  No
harm done, though I think both would have been used in a longer meeting.
Also, one person mentioned that it would have been nice to have a get
aquainted time at the start, and I felt that to be true.

Just the fact that we had the opportunity to meet each other and share e-mail
addresses will be a valuable outcome.  There are plans to create a
sustainable building list serve, beginning with the attendees.  There also
seems to be a lot of interest in a green building expo, a big Open Space,
possibly a website and a nascent organization.  Several people expressed
interest in using Open Space Technology in the near future as well.

During the closing circle, most people used the word "energized", or a simile

Just as Laurie and I walked out the front door of the Common House,
looking down the path, across the lights of Ithaca,
a full orange moon was rising between the rows of Ecovillage houses;
a Stonehenge moment.
We stopped and watched it clear the horizon
Like a ripe tangerine, somewhat flattened,
And cheered.

Thank you John Engle, Chris Weaver, Laurel Doersam, Chris Corrigan, and Jeff
Aitken, for your useful advice.  We were able to apply most of it.

Todd Saddler

PS - If anyone would like a copy of the report, let me know.

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