Greetings again, list mates!

A brief update on our plans for an Open Space on Green Building here in
Ithaca, and a few questions that we are pondering...

We decided to support our local bookstore rather than order the User's Guide
through Amazon, and so have not received it yet, as the snow piles up around
us, 3 days before the event.  Nevertheless, we are pressing forward with
unfoundering (unfounded?) confidence.

As of today, 20 people have contacted me, saying that they intend to come,
and I think that at least a few more will show up.  I have gathered the
materials and produced the necessary posters.

Our schedule is :

5 minutes - Welcome and brief explanation of why this event came about
25 min. - How to do Open Space
about 15 min. - Post topics
about 15 min. - Market Place
1 hour - First break out sessions
10 min.  - Break
1 hour - Second Break out sessions
10 min. - Break
30 Min. - Circle - ideas for following up on today's discussions
10 min. - Announcements

2 hours - Dish to pass supper & clean up

1) Purpose and outcomes:  At the end of the day, I hope all of the
participants will have a broader and more concrete idea of the people and
organizations that are, or want to be involved in sustainable building
activities in our area.  In addition, there are two or three of us in the
planning group who hope to practice architecture with a sustainability focus
in this area, so we want to identify and build relationships with potential
collaborators.  My question is, is it necessary for us to state these
purposes at the outset, or should we trust that each participant has their
own purpose which motivated them to come?

2) Someone from another city, several hours' drive from here, got a copy of
the invitation through one of the networks involved, and asked if 7 of them
could come.  I sent an e-mail back, reiterating the theme: Building for
Sustainable Living in Tompkins County - What Is and What Should Be.  I told
them that if their interest was related to this theme, they should come.  Is
it likely that a group of 7 out of a total of 27 participants will
significantly draw energy away from focusing on the local people and issues
that are more directly involved in what could happen here in our area?

3) Romy Shovelton wrote, in his brief notes from N. Ireland, "We also had an
absolutely huge Graffitti Wall that was completely filled with thoughts."  I
thought of putting up big sheets of paper with titles like "favorite
sustainable building practices" and "suppliers of green materials and
equipment", that people could write on during the breaks.  Would this be a
good idea, or would it take energy away from the break out groups?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  The suggestions that have been
provided so far have been very helpful.  Thank you all!

Todd Saddler

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