Dear Brian et al,

I think we fall into a trap if we refer to the warm-up as a discrete entity
that one might find in a book or learn from another facilitator. I suggest
that you do use warm-up consistently as part of the OS process. As you said
"Seems to work for me and the people I work with." You do it so often and
well that it just flows.

You also wrote:
"One group did comment strongly about the absence of an appropriate
warm-up.  They were largely Facilitators who had little knowledge of
OPEN SPACE, but it seemed to work pretty well anyway.  I think they
really noticed it was different from their previous experience - which
was true."

So I wonder whether:
a) they were all stuck in their heads and waiting to learn some new
facilitators' tricks, or
b) feeling anxious about a different process and so analysing, i.e. stuck in
the head department, or
c) there was some variation in the degree of warm-up they needed (which does
happen) so they hadn't quite got there. This is why every warm-up has to
monitored every time one does it to push through to the energy.
And maybe there was another reason or more that I can't imagine - "but it
seemed to work pretty well anyway."

It's so delicious to work with these variations in human beings and events -
nothing is ever the same as last time or next time.
>From My limited OS experience I wonder, do you find that opening the space
is longer or shorter at times depending on how you intuitively sense it
needs to be?

Yours, Ros.

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