Dear John, dear other board members,
I like the idea of a database of events.
If you take a look at my website, there is a list of events
(Veranstaltungen) from 1996 (when I began to facilitate os-events)
till today listed chronologically with information to: date, length
in days, sponsor, title, locality and space used, number of
participants, name of facilitator, names of assistants, date of
follow up meeting(s) and links to pictures, reports, publications and
websites of the sponsors.
This list is divided into events that occured and future events so
that people interested in participating (sponsors, colleagues,
students, assistants, etc.) can inquire about the possibility of
At another place under "open space" I have a list of os-links and a
special section (different color)  to sites of colleagues (for
instance Kerry and Larry Peterson who has an astounding list divided
into categories and Jo Toepfer who has compiled a list of sponsors
gleaned from os-sites around the world) with lists similar to mine.
The idea of having a detailed list of the 80 os events I have been
priviliged to facilitate came from looking at Kerry Napuks list a
year or so ago.
Besides it being a sort of documentation of my work it also gives
exposure and generates interest in trying open space and encourages
people to hire me which is a wonderful thing for getting the food on
the table.
One drawback: it is all in German save the few english-language ones
I was part of.
I have drawn up a similar list for the os trainigs I have been
associated with and the ones coming up (2 in May in Germany and one
in June in Denmark).
So the data is there but it is scattered.
One thing I will work on is an expanded open space site for the
german speaking places...that of course needs to be linked to
I like the initiative of the board in this and would encourage the
development of regional resouces and the linking of same.
Greetings from Berlin

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002 12:59:49 -0500, john engle wrote:

>Dear Colleagues,
>We would like to invite the larger OS community into a discussion. We also
>encourage those interested in implementing ideas that emerge from the
>discussion to come forth.
>Following the membership renewal letter recently sent by the Open Space
>Institute (US) to its members, several people responded with questions and
>On February 22nd, during the monthly teleconference call of the Open Space
>Institute's (US) board, we addressed the suggestions of Kerry Napuk.  About
>60 seconds into the conversation the board had consensus on two points:
>1) Kerry's suggestions deserve discussion among the OS community.
>2) We need to get more input from the OS community-at-large--you--as to what
>should be done with these suggestions.
>With Kerry's permission, here is his note:
>1) Open Space, as a process, lacks a universal database of events and its
>credibility suffers accordingly.
>2) Database details on Open Futures’ 51 events are posted on their
>website, Do any other people on the OS List Serve post
>their activity levels?  If so, would they let the List and Institute know?
>3) These postings could be encouraged on the OSLIST.
>4) Perhaps some recognition or labeling could follow, such as "Master
>Facilitator" for groups of 50 or more, events "Grand Master" for 100 or more
>or whatever.
>5) Masters etc. could have direct links from your OS website to theirs.
>The web site currently has a section for links
>6) Some resources could be applied to promote the OS website.
>7) Open events could be listed for potential sponsors to participate and
>experience the process. We often ask people to attend an Open event to
>discover what the process is all about.
>Does any of this make sense to you and the Board? If so, perhaps we can
>develop some initiatives by email.
>We, the board, express our gratitude to you, Kerry, for taking the time to
>articulate these ideas and for granting us permission to share this with the
>rest of the community.
>Our questions to the community are:
>1) What do you all think about these ideas?
>2) Are there ideas here that you feel compelled to implement?
>3) Is there a role/function that you would like the board to play in
>exploring and/or implementing any of these ideas?
>4) Of the ideas Kerry suggested, are there any services that you would like
>to provide to our community, example: Michael Hermann to create a team to
>update the OS website : )
>We look forward to hearing back from you.
>Board of Directors
>Open Space Institute (US)
>Leon DeKing, John Engle, Ric Giardina, Peg Holman, David Koehler, Clarice
>Sieden, Gabriel Shirley, Janice Vincent, Jay Vogt
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Michael M Pannwitz
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