Dunno.  I've read the book; and it seems to me (other than the gratuitous
sex which I took to be a rather thin construct for inserting breathing
spaces between the heavy stuff) that the primary message is that the
most/best we can do is work to raise our own level of consciousness and
that of others; rather than "wading in" to this or another issue. In that
sense, OST contributes only insofar as it enables/facilitates such
movement. And my sense is that it does...
At least that's what I think, but I don't suppose I'm right...

----- Original Message -----
From: "kenoli Oleari" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Pondering Open Space and Spiral Dynamics

> Peggy -- I can't figure out if I understand anything about Spiral
> Dynamics or not.  I have read about it and followed discussions on
> the listserv and jumped in some.
> My thoughts on your question are this.  As things move up the spiral,
> they become more inclusive.  At each stage, other memes are reflected
> as well as the dominant meme (I'm probably already violating some
> understanding of SD in this statement).  In the yellow stage, just
> above green and just before moving into the second tier, systems
> perspectives become dominant.  The second stage starts to truly
> integrate the other levels.
> My thinking is that OS (and other large group interventions)
> certainly reflects the yellow, or systems, perspective and has the
> potential for manifesting second stage integrations as the various
> memes act as part of a whole.  I don't know if Spiral Dynamic folks
> have looked at how groups manifest the various memes, but my
> experience is that effective focused group interaction can manifest a
> much higher consciousness than that of the individual members of the
> group themselves and can even provide personally transforming
> experiences.
> My sense is that much of the SD community is less oriented towards
> group transformational work and more toward individual work and
> intellectual analysis.  This is certainly true of Wilbur who says
> that he passed through the green experience through an individual
> process rather than the group process which usually characterizes
> green experience.
> Us groupies (OS and otherwise) are groupies for a reason, and I think
> that is because of the transformational and elevating potential we
> have observed can occur as part of good group experience.
> --Kenoli
> >I just finished reading Ken Wilbur's Boomeritis.  The book talks
> >extensively about Spiral Dynamics.  One aspect he discusses
> >is how the memes through Greens are intolerant of each other.  I
> >started thinking about Open Space's capacity to bring people
> >together and actually interact productively.  Makes me think that
> >the power of OST is that it operates, to use Wilbur-ese, in all
> >quadrants and at all levels.
> >
> >My apologies to those who don't speak this Spiral Dynamics/Ken
> >Wilbur jargon.  For those more familiar with this work than I, what
> >are your thoughts?
> >
> >Peggy
> >
> >
> >_______________________________
> >Peggy Holman
> >The Open Circle Company
> >15347 SE 49th Place
> >Bellevue, WA  98006
> >425.746.6274
> ><>
> --
> Kenoli Oleari, Horizons of Change,
> 1801 Fairview Street, Berkeley, CA  94703   Voice Phone: 510-601-8217,
> Fax: 510-595-8369, Email: (or click on:
> *
> *
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