I very much like what you've written here... brings together our work
with story and OST at Avalon.

Michael Herman wrote:

there's a book out now by howard gardner.  visionary leaders is the
focus.  haven't read it but have heard much about it from a friend.
he says, among other things, that visionary leaders tell stories of
identity.  stories of who we are, stories like those we invite when
from our clients and ask them to tell in their invitations.  he says
that within domains, storytellers must be experts and use the jargon.
but across domains, the stories must be in very simple, not
domain-specific language.  think the latter is what we do when we
introduce open space.  this is what harrison's done in the user's guide
and elsewhere, of course.  marketplace.  bulletin board.  passion.
responsibility.  circle.  space.  and still we need to be able to speak
the language of the local client.  to understand something of business
as usual.  that's all.  a little pulsing between the ease and
simplicity of open space and the realities of everyday business as the
client sees them.  pulse pulse pulse, emphasizing the movement toward
simplicity and space, ever so slightly until the thing pops into open
space.  like a cell pulsing in and out and then finally giving a last
little push out to become two cells. back forth back forth forth.

"Douglas D. Germann, Sr." wrote:

Michael and Birgitt--

Could you both say a little more about "where the bridge touches the

                             :-Doug. Germann

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