G'day Open Space and World Café Friends


This is being posted to World Café, OST and genuinecontact listservs with the 
thought that you may find it of interest and potentially useful. It comes to 
you from a lovely spring morning in Australia.


There are periodic indications that some of us are using both OST and Café 
processes, sometimes independently and sometimes in combination. In my 
experience this can be very effective in contexts in which each is appropriate. 


A story of how they were used together in a series of community consultations 
can be seen at:


In Conversing Cafes people come out on top downunder. 


Many people have commented on how useful they found the observed correspondence 
between purpose and process and outcome in this now well known 'Marion Story'.  
Reportedly it played a role in bringing about a cultural shift to 'all voices 
being heard' in the Financial Planning Association in the US. 

I wonder if you see that we could all benefit if the power and potential of 
these two processes was widely recognised by leaders through their having 
personal experience of them?


A remarkable opportunity to do this with both has come my way recently. In each 
state in Australia there are leadership programs offered annually in which 
young 'high fliers' (people who have proven work experience and capability, 
vision and commitment) are given a comprehensive set of experiences to prepare 
them to assume leadership positions beyond their workplace. Participants are 
recruited from a wide range of backgrounds, industries and sectors - including 
business, government, social, community and the arts. 

The (new) director of this program in South Australia contacted me mid year to 
express her concern that the current group were not communicating at anything 
beyond superficial levels and that she had heard on the wind that I might be 
able to assist. 


One emerging is that, in the two day final retreat in November, the whole of 
the first day is to be allocated to:  


Conversation Cafe (morning) 'Reflection on the year' 

Open Space Technology (afternoon)  'Where to from here ..' 


in order to address the theme:


               How may we make the most of the experience of being participants 
in this program?  


My intuition is that the intimacy and inclusivity of sitting at small tables in 
the Café while reflecting on their shared experience will promote the listening 
and questioning through which participants may reach deeper levels of 
awareness, understanding and of relating. 


And then in the Open Space session the conditions will be right for all to 
announce what they feel 'bold and wild' about, and for like passioned people to 
link with each other. 


Whether it happens like this remains to be seen! 


(In next year's course, these processes will be introduced at the outset).


I would add that, whichever process I use when facilitating/hosting, I 
invariably invoke the principles of OST. And I do not name an event Open Space 
unless it is the whole 'box and dice.' 


Also I use capitalized 'Café' when alluding to the process and when using 
diverse descriptors such as 'Conversation', 'Passion', 'Collective Wisdom', 
'Knowledge' Café.  


With love 







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