Dear all,

Last Friday we had a review meeting in the East of Svenmark, with
well organised by Cia. Here are some conclusions - that may open
discussions again ?

Web Solution

We feel the wiki solution that Michael Herrmann helped us set up really was

abig step forward compared to other possibilities weíve used. We really
connected with collegues around the world who were not there, and it was
great to directly put things on the internet - and sometimes getting
comments even while doing so ! -

The wiki worked well. With some instructions most participants managed to
write their report without any problems. We did have som problems due to
that our internetprovider chose to make som mainanance work during OSonOS.
Especially the first day we were disconnected for some time. One report had

to be re-written, probably because it wasn´t saved, due to this.
It was an interesting experience to have co-facilitators on the wiki. It
a good feeling of having support from "off-siters". A surprise was when
during the conference, all of a sudden the site had been somewhat
reorganized. I guess that is what can happen in a wike, and it was OK.

A comment was made that for most on-site participants, the event and the
discussions there are so rich they take up all oneís time and attention,
itís hard to at the same time be aware whatís coming in -
let alone react on it. We agree with that. The question is how to make
messages from off-site participants visible, so there is at least an

An idea which we had was to make input from off-site participants visible
projecting it on a screen. We feel that while this created an awareness
there was a connection to the ìrest of the wroldî, it was not very
effective. And as comments typically came in at the bottom of reports or
OSonOS Cafe, as an onsite participant you really had to make an effort to

So an idea for an improvement we have, is to print incoming messages out as

they come, maybe enlarge them on A3 format and put them on a section of the

News Board, so one does not have to go and find them

How does that sound ?

Greetings from Svenmark,

Gerard Muller     Thomas Herrmann
OSI Denmark     OSI Sweden

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