Bless your soul for making me read this first page again - it perfectly
says it both in words and melody and pitch. thanks again for being there
always so graciously and diligently.

Tova Averbuch             טובה אורבוך
34 Rabinovitz St.   רחוב רבינוביץ 34
Holon            58672               חולון

-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of
Michael Herman
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 5:04 AM
To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
Subject: Re: So what should be done with the archieves now?


this is the page that currently describes the oslist at the website,
tova.  see what you think.  sort of a middle ground between me doing and
me saying 'passion bounded by responsibility'  <g>


see if you think this does the job and suggest any little bits that come
easily for you and might be added.  i'll try to spin the bits into the
mix that's there.

thanks for these beautiful words you've just sent.  michaelh

averbuch wrote:

>You never stop to amaze and show beauty with your crystal clarity and
>passion and I am, as we all are, forever grateful to be able to witness
>and be part of it.  The invitation and commitment (is that a given?)
><that we share what we are experiencing and learning OPENLY (what
>else?). >           had taught me some courage and demanded
>(and had all of us, US that are not US speakers, stretch out English)
>and was one of the main factors that moved my walls wider (Opened
>by making way for me to actively earn and be part of the global
>community to the extant I am capable of.
>This fish ball of OS listers had taught me everyday in a very tangible
>way that we are not alone (there will always be someone awake that
>enough to answer the most needy question.), and that it takes one to
>tango: If you reach out for long enough, invitation and authenticity
>will be answered (and will get you in even if you are "just looking".)
>and will wade through cynicism and prejudice.
>Knowing the nature of the list has put a constant demand for me to feel
>safe only by knowing my intention, with no givens but trust (and
>encouragement from you my friends of the list) . I can not always be
>open and intimate on the list, but it is liberating and rewarding when
>can and I hope I'll get better with experience.
>By watching you, Harrison, and Chris and Michael and Peggy and Julie
>all of you jewels -you on the list - I learnt that teaching oneself is
>most precious gift we give to others.
>Thank you each and everyone.
>So, before I get too mushy (it is very late)I will end with a practical
>I know the OSList is right to be open to everyone because this is our
>"growing edge" in two ways: internally/personally and in
>number/influence, yet I wish that we give the newcomers a fair chance:
>Michael H (or anybody who cares) do we/could we have a nice "invitation
>to OS text" that would be the first page if entering to the archives
>directly? An inviting paragraph aligns the heart to deeper listening. I
>guess you would rightly say 'passion bounded by responsibility" and
>point it back to me - but , try with a little help from my friends
>Tova Averbuch
>-----Original Message-----
>From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of
>Harrison Owen
>Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 4:07 PM
>To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
>Subject: Re: So what should be done with the archieves now?
>My concern, however, comes from a different place, and possibly a
>perspective. As I said in a note posted some little time ago, which
>re-iterated what I have said ad nausea, Open Space, from the moment I
>created, developed, stumbled into it (fill in the blank) is and has
>free. BUT I have always insisted that there is a COST -- that we share
>we are experiencing and learning OPENLY (what else?). This LIST has
>continues to be an incredible vehicle for sharing. Increasingly, it has
>become a global resource for anybody who wants to push back the walls
>their world, ie Open Space. The nature of what we have shared covers a
>broad spectrum from the perverse to the peevish to the profound -- and
>onwards to the philosophical, with multiple side trips to the technical
>details. In sum, it represents the full spectrum of our collective
>in Open Space, as we have chosen to share it. At no point in the
>this LIST has it ever been, nor was it intended to be, a private club.
>have taken great pains, I think, to honor and respect each other, but
>end of the day the purpose of OSLIST, or at least my purpose for this
>ever since I signed on -- has not been to provide a safe and secure
>sanctuary in which the members may communicate. Rather, it has been to
>a body of knowledge and experience which will be available to anybody
>Speaking very personally, I can say that the fundamental purpose of my
>has been to share whatever I am, have experienced, or might know --
>anybody who cared, to the extent that my presence, experience or
>might be helpful. Have I always been true to my ideals? Definitely not,
>at least in terms of Open Space Technology, and all that I have learned
>about Open Space in my life and world -- I think I have given it my
>shot. At a very mundane level, this is why I never chose to patent,
>trademark, or copyright Open Space. Certainly my books are copyrighted,
>that was more a matter of convention, to say nothing of my publishers'
>wishes (after all they were investing the "big bucks" and wanted some
>of security). However, if you wander around the websites of the world
>dealing with Open Space you will find large passages of my material,
>even my illustrations, presented without attribution. I am delighted! I
>that Open Space is not about me. It is about US -- and that includes a
>mess of people who don't even know they are a part of US.
>So back to OSLIST. My image (vision?) is that of a wonderful electronic
>fishbowl with real people, opening real space, and reflecting on their
>experience right out there in front of God and everybody. There is, and
>been, a real sense of intimacy and genuine community which is
>of every Open Space of which I have been a part. This intimacy and
>is often manifest in wonderful hugs and kisses. It is also manifest in
>willingness to confront and engage each other directly and with
>Occasionally we have risen to the heights, and just as often we have
>time for a little peevishness. In short, there has been chaos,
>conflict in abundance -- all included and transcended to become a
>organic reality available for all to see. This, so far as I am
>concerned, is
>life in Open Space. Or to be truthful, it is just life.
>I have always assumed that the people who populate OSLIST (including
>wonderful Lurkers!) are of a special sort. They really care about Open
>(or want to know more about it), and they really care to share what
>have learned and experienced with whomsoever. Our benefits on OSLIST
>considerable -- we have received support, encouragement, challenge,
>suggestions, questions -- from which we (or for sure "I") have grown
>enormously. We have cried together, argued, pontificated, blown our
>minds in
>marvelous and positive ways. And with these benefits comes a
>to share what we are, and what we have learned with anybody who cares
>know. That, at least, is my responsibility as I have come to understand
>Harrison Owen
>7808 River Falls Drive
>Potomac, Maryland   20845
>Phone 301-365-2093
>Open Space Training www.openspaceworld.com
>Open Space Institute www.openspaceworld.org
>Personal website http://mywebpages.comcast.net/hhowen/index.htm
>To subscribe, unsubscribe, change your options, view the archives
>-----Original Message-----
>From: OSLIST [mailto:osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu] On Behalf Of
>von Ertzdorff
>Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 10:21 PM
>To: osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu
>Subject: So what should be done with the archieves now?
>I still wonder about the archieves.
>May be, I'm not completely up to date, putting just the same questions,
>somebody did just before. -  But I still didn't get, why the archieves
>be found and accessed by google. Or is this just something, which is
>planned? I mean, archieves can be very interesting for a community.
>But the so called "container" , the "skin" , the "whomb" with the
>compound", the baby inside has to be respected also. To me, it's very
>important, to know about.
>Not, because it bothers me personally. But it's just important, to know
>about who in this is list is feeling like to do what?-I know some
>of interests, but not much more...but to know, whether finally this
>a "tabu", just represented by having more "lurkers", or whether there
>true consensus in the community, to me it's important.-So, finally, I'd
>to know about the problems quality: Is it a technical problem, or is it
>decission - problem?
>If it is something to be decided,
>where is a statement in favor of why the archieves should be opened to
>anybody, even not being in the list? -To me, It would be, like taking
>the protecting skin, even if I have not the slightest problem about,
>making jokes on "W"'s..being found later at somebodies webpage.. But,
>be, there are some convincing arguments also? Besides, dealing with
>container-images: It's also important, that the "mother" feels good. If
>mother doesn't feel good, the baby neither won't..But who is who in
>case ? <grin>
>If it is not,
>then, why it's not just possible, to maintain the archieves protected
>simple  password, like it's usual in many lists?
>If somebody wants to make for eg a research, he can ask, simply..
>Or, is it some problem, wich the "boisy"-staff is not able to solve,
>actually? And what would be necessary to resolve it?
>I'd love to be enabled to get some clear opinion about the issue .-))
>With passionate interest in this list
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>view the archives of osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu,
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>view the archives of osl...@listserv.boisestate.edu,
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Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
(312) 280-7838

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...inviting organization into movement

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