Yes, and million thanks.
Bless you for your role and for the way you choose to do it
With Much appreciation


-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
Michael Herman
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: So what should be done with the archieves now?


while it is not possible to *make* people go through any one page before
they get into the content of the archives, it is possible to make it
*extremely* obvious and easy to get to the pages that explain about the

so here's what i did...

-added a link to the footer of every message (see below in this one)
that goes to the OpenSpaceEmailLists page, via

-added an "About the OSLIST" link to the bottom of monthly archive page
and each individual message page

-added the same "About..." link to the top of every monthly archive
page, indiv message page, and also the search, join and post/reply pages
of the archives

now, at least, it is very clear to anyone who goes and sees many pages
that we are definitely wanting to tell them "About the OSLIST".

notice that it is now possible to read along or "lurk" on more casual
basis, without actually joining the list, but simply by visiting the
main archive page and scanning the list of topics/subjects listed in the
monthly archive summary pages.  again, the way to invite friends and
colleagues to join us here is to share this (simple) web address:

thanks for the question and i hope that this satisfies the need you were
pointing out.


averbuch wrote:

>Michael, it is Tova again,
>risking one more time being a fool over the same matter...
>since I am not particularly computer-pro I initially meant to ask if
>this is the page that any person who enters the archives have to go to
>on his/her way to the content treasured in the archives or is there "a
>shortcut" that goes strait - no invitation no orientation? (If the
>second one is possible than my previous mail meant to suggest creating
>Much obliged and my favorite blessing of Passover to you and all:
>"May you go from slavery to freedom, in every way"
>(I promise to do my part and stop offering all this extra work:))
>With shinny spring morning breeze
>-----Original Message-----
>From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of
>Michael Herman
>Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 9:01 AM
>Subject: Re: So what should be done with the archieves now?
>i should add that most of that crediit goess to harrisonn,.
>thanks, tova, but i should say that most of that credit goes to
>harrison... i just cleaned things up a bit!  m
>averbuch wrote:
>>Bless your soul for making me read this first page again - it
>>says it both in words and melody and pitch. thanks again for being
>>always so graciously and diligently.
>Michael Herman
>Michael Herman Associates
>300 West North Avenue #1105
>Chicago IL 60610 USA
>(312) 280-7838
> - consulting & publications
> - laboratory & playground
> - worldwide open space
>...inviting organization into movement
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Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
(312) 280-7838 - consulting & publications - laboratory & playground - worldwide open space

...inviting organization into movement

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